What is up with people lately? Seems everywhere I turn I am reading something negative about real estate investing, or someone slamming on some topic. Now, it’s not directed at me, but I just can’t believe the negativity of some people.
I was recently on a popular search engines message boards, and I occasionally go on there to answer questions relating to real estate, home buying, investing, etc. Well, there were some threads started that were slamming real estate seminars and how they are all rip offs, etc. Seems this person paid a lot to attend a weekend real estate investing training, and now, 30 days later, he’s not rich and is making a point of going around slamming the seminar guru. So I post telling how I had been very successful investing in real estate and that they need to give it more time, and asked what the challenges were that they were having. Well my gosh, suddenly about a dozen people started posting attacking me, saying I was wrong (imagine that, telling me that my personal experiences were not real, hummm), and then accusing me of being an employee of the guru and that I was on there just planting false stories of success on the internet, etc. Just on and on.
It was really sad, they simply would not accept that success could be real and that ordinary people could make money. They were totally convinced that any ways of making money were all scams and ripoffs and nothing anyone said was going to change their minds.
Then I was reading on another board, where someone was asking how they could get started investing in real estate and how no money down worked, etc. Well, someone jumps on, saying how they were this “professional investor” and had been doing it for 20 years, and that all the stories of buying property with no money down and creative financing was not true, and that the strategies in books and courses might have worked years ago, but not today. It was so negative, and this person was supposed to be a real estate investor.
I just couldn’t believe how they could be so negative and closed minded. How could someone who is an investor, not know how to do creative techniques or no money down? Are they from the same planet? It’s crazy, they were discouraging others based on their limited knowledge and negative limitations. I have been doing creative financing and no money down for years, I have the documents to prove it. Yet, they were there saying that people like me don’t exist, and that all I do and live is false???
Don’t let others tell you that you can’t do something. No money down, creative financing, getting great deals, it’s all real ... it’s takes work, and every strategy or technique, doesn’t work on every deal, all the time, but you will find plenty of the right deals to match your buying strategy if you stick with it and persist.
Never give up, and always follow your dreams.
Happy Investing!