I tell you, this has been quite a summer. Despite all the craziness in the real estate and lending market, things have been going pretty good. Here’s an overview of some of the happenings.
- MySpace page went up, been getting a good list of friends started, and met some interesting people. Making some good business contacts as well. If you are on MySpace, drop me a note and request to be added as one of my friends.
- The Millionaire Coaching Newsletter, is underway. Although an issue has not yet gone out, it is in process. I am putting together some contributing editors to give you a variety of information. Tips and strategies to further your investing career. Go to the main page http://www.MillionaireCoaching.com and register for this free newsletter.
- FlipIt.com, asked me to come on board to do some articles and do a Q & A section (see previous blog).
- New Coaching Clients, several new clients came on-board under a new partnership program I am developing. This new program allows me to get even more involved with my clients, and help them to achieve even greater levels of success in a much shorter time period. In just the past few months, they are showing very good results. Stay tuned for more updates on this and their progress.
I’ve got many things going on, much of which I cannot discuss here ... yet! Some “secret” projects that are going to be very good for everyone.
Stay tuned for more.
Happy Investing!
P.S. The pic above is our corporate mascot, security bear, and master web designer - BabyLove!