Blogs? Ok, what’s this all about?
Alright, I’m new to blogging and learning what I can about it. So please bear with me as I learn to implement this new format. When I first heard about blogging, I thought, “huh? put a journal online for all to read? Why would anyone be interested in that?” Especially to me, since I’m a fairly private person. But the more I looked into it, the more I saw the popularity of it, and the more I came to like it. In my case, I can remember when I started out as a real estate investor, I was always interested in what the life of an investor was like. What did these people do day after day, how did they live, etc. Unfortunately, “back in the day” (1990), the internet was still in it’s infancy, and blogging and podcasting and the likes were not around as yet.
We’ve come a long way since then. We now have all this wonderful information and technology available via the internet. So ...... here I am!
I do hope you find these blogs, podcast, and information in this site useful. Again, please bear with me as I get used to this new format, and understand that I have a very busy schedule, so I will do my best to put up the blogs and podcast every week or so, as I am able to get to them.
I’m not here to please everyone, and make no attempts to. What I write about, and what I do is real, it’s my life. If you find it useful, and it helps you in some way to learn more, and move closer to your goals, then I am pleased and would love to hear how it has helped you. If you don’t like what I have here and how I live my life, then there is that little browser bar at the top of your screen ...... use it! ☺
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Investing!