All real estate investors have some things they are particularly good at .... for me, it’s my ability to find deals. In fact, over the years I have gotten so proficient at finding deals, that I often have far more deals available than I have the money to fund them. Even with my pool of investors, I still am always on the lookout for more. This is one of those times.
For the first time, I am opening up some of my opportunities to all of you. Currently I have about 16 deals that I am looking for accredited investors on, and I have more deals coming in all the time. These deals are on small properties, but they all have huge profit potential. I am looking for accredited investors of all sizes to get involved in lending on these deals.
If you have an interest in working with me and making money in real estate investing, please contact me for more details. When you contact me please include what you have to work with and what you are looking to get out of it.
Working together, we can all make more money.
Happy Investing!