One thing that I have found essential to being a successful entrepreneur, has been physical health.
Now, that is not to say that you can’t be successful if you are not healty (just look at all the out of shape Millionaires & Billionaires), but as I embarked on my entrepreneurial career many years ago and became increasingly busier, I found a direct correlation between my physical health, and my ability to effectively get the job done and stay on top of things. Think about it. If you have a long list of things to do, having good physical stamina makes it much easier to get things done. Surprisingly enough, as you increase your physical conditioning, your mental conditioning increases as well, allowing you to deal more effectively with stress, and having a shaper mind.
Now, I’m not going to lecture you on health and exercise, you’re free to do as you choose. I’m just sharing my experiences. I would encourage you to do a little experiment of your own however. Just try it for 30 days. Take up a modest exercise routine of walking, hiking, or jogging. Don’t over do it, just start conditioning your heart and lungs to get in better shape. Do this 3-4 times a week for the next 30 days, and see if you don’t feel better, and have more energy, and a better outlook on things.
It just may surprise you.
Happy Investing!