Yup! That’s me, on my 1st birthday (I’ve always been a happy guy). Well, it’s that time of year again. I’ve got a birthday coming up next week (no, I’m not saying exactly what day, or how old - young - I am going to be).
Once you hit a certain age - uh hummm - birthday’s kind of become just another day. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy celebrating them, seeing friends, having a great dinner, and yes, even a cake (hey, I’m not that old, I still like cake on my birthday).
To be honest, it’s seems the “older” I get chronologically, the younger I feel. I’m enjoying life more, and I think with age comes wisdom, and more memories to reflect on that make the current new moments that much more special.
They say that age is all in your head - and I believe they’re right. You are only as old as you feel, or more importantly, “think” you feel. For me, I think I’ll feel great. That’s my choice.
Happy Investing!