The Holidays are upon us. With Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) just past, and Christmas/Hanukka/Kwanzaa coming up soon, it’s going to be a busy time for everyone.
The Holidays can be a distracting time for an entrepreneur, with all the family gatherings, all the preparations for the Holidays coming up, buying gifts, etc, it can certainly distract one from working on their dreams and goals. Not to mention, the fact that many people take trips during this time, and many businesses close down for long periods of time (even if they don’t close, the people who work there are so distracted with the Holidays, that not much gets done). This is especially true with business related to real estate investing ... real estate agents, title companies, attorney’s offices, Government offices like the County Recorder’s and Tax Assessors Offices.
Essentially, in December, business slows down for real estate investors. It doesn’t come to a stop, just slows down considerably.
So how do we survive the Holiday Seasons? We adjust. One thing to keep in mind, is that sellers, are still eager to sell. Especially with the Holidays, when money is needed for gifts, heating, paying bills (credit cards especially). So you want to keep up with your deal locating regimen. The deals are still out there.
This is also a great time to redo your planning and goal setting, and to spend time educating yourself more. You see, when the Holidays are over, and all the festivities die down, and January comes .... that is the time to really kick things into gear. Everyone focuses on business again, and many people want to sell properties to raise cash from the Holiday financial drain.
So you don’t want to be idle during December, you want to plan, prepare, educate, and get ready to hit the ground running once January comes. Things will really pick up the first part of January, and you want to be ready.
I love when the beginning of the new year comes in January, it’s when things get really busy, and we all start making a lot of money.
I’m ready, are you?
Happy Investing!