The Holidays are a time of reflection. A time to stop and be grateful for the things that have happened, the things we have now, and the things that are to come in our lives. All too often we never take the time to appreciate the things we have, big or small. We get so wrapped up in our pressures and problems, wallowing in self-pity that consumes us and blinds us to the things we have that we take for granted.
When was the last time you told someone close to you that you loved them?
When did you last tell a parent sincerely how grateful you were to them for raising you and taking care of you?
Does that close friend of yours really know how you feel for all they have done for you and for sticking by you through good and bad?
Are you grateful for the little things you overlook? Your health? A roof over your head? Food on your table? Your children?
While you may or may not have all these things, there are things - no matter how basic - that you should be grateful for. Two legs, two good eyes, your hearing, being able to take in a breath and have life.
We often spend so much time worrying and whining about what we don’t have, that we never take the time to be grateful for all the things we do have that we take for granted.
You don’t have to be rich, or have grand things happen in your life to be grateful ... look around you, and appreciate even the little things. Be grateful.
Happy Investing!